Dirk von Gehlen, editor in charge of the German portal jetzt.de, points in his blog to the following impressive and viral Google commercial featuring Lady Gaga and dozens of Lady Gaga fans all around the world:

As von Gehlen emphasizes, the video is effectively a collage of copyright infringements by YouTube users, ending with the request to provide even more of those:

the web is what you make of it

In the official description of the video, Google gives more details on the background and the making of the video:

This film celebrates Lady Gaga’s special and unmediated relationship with her fans, the Little Monsters. The making of this film is a demonstration of the power of the web in its own right. […] Within hours of the release of her new single “Edge of Glory” on May 9th, fans began uploading videos on YouTube, making the song their own by dancing to it, singing it and playing it on all kinds of instruments.

The whole video and its imperative is thus completely at odds with another video released by Google about a month ago: the YouTube Copyright School, which was meant to educate users about copyright and warned them to abstain from infringements like those presented in the Lady Gaga commercial.

As our recent guest blogger Domen Bajde has emphasized in a comment, the Copyright-School-video is in the tradtion of YouTube aiming

“to ‘socialize’ its user into a corporate version of copyright, where copyright means ABSOLUTE ownership (best not to complicate things with fair use and and the like) and originality and autorship mean ‘creating’ something from scratch (best alone and with no direct reference to anything commercial).”

Taken together, both videos present Google as a case of advanced corporate schizophrenia. At the same time, they are an evidence that the current copyright regime is effectively and practically not viable. Not for users. Not for artists. Not for Google.
